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The Ancient Radio Players have 7 shows available for downloading
--go to the website and do a search on Bret Jones, download and enjoy!!
This is a list of the CD's that are currently available
from the Ancient Radio Players:
The Okie Red Dust Review shows:
The Okie Red Dust Review: The Cuckleburr Festival. This is a comedy/variety show with music. It lampoons
and satirizes life in a small, imaginary town in Oklahoma--Red Dust. The show is a series of skits, bits, and quips that center
around the local radio station in Red Dust. The show is filled with laughs and hysteria as we enjoy the antics of the citizens
of Red Dust. (Approximately 80 minutes)
The Okie Red Dust Christmas Review: The Snow Flurry. Join the antics and frivolity in Red Dust at X-mas time
with the folks we all know and love. It's X-mas time in Red Dust and a light snow flurry is falling on the ground, sending
the residents into an uproar as they race for supplies just to stay alive! It's Red Dust at that special and whacky
time of year! (approximately 90 minutes)
The Okie
Red Dust Review: The Redneck Olympics. The
town of Red Dust is invaded by the Redneck Olympics. Athletes from every redneck event possible are present in the town
"where the dust is red and so are the necks." Some of the events include: bobbing for pig's feet, mud belly flopping,
badger milking, and others in this satire of Olympic competiton. Other skits and bits include poetry by Zane Dobson,
Your Car is Your Friend, Dump Your Junk for Loose Change Trading Post, original music and songs, and much, much more. Come join the lunacy down in everyone's favorite town--Red Dust. (Approximately 80 minutes)
The Okie Red Dust Review:
Skunk Lodge. Join the citizens of Red Dust as we
peek in on the local Skunk Lodge meeting. Skits include news, a visit with the local bean cooker, Red Dust Community
Theatre on the Air, a veternarian show, original songs, and much, much more. Come join the Skunks where their motto
explains it all: "When it gets tough, stink up the place." (Approximately 80 minutes)
The Okie Red Dust Review: Greatest Bits Volume I . This album showcases the very best "bits" from The Okie Red Dust Review.
Skits include: news, sports, weather, "tradio," poetry, a chili cookoff, a noodling contest, movie reviews, and on and
on. Join the very best of the antics and chaos in Red Dust, OK. (Time--70 minutes)
The Okie Red Dust Review: The One Man Crime Spree. The Red Dust gang has a criminal in its midst. After a truck of pigs'
feet is stolen, a crime spree soon follows--and all by one man! Join the craziness in Red Dust with news, sports, relationship
advice, poetry, a car help show, and much, much more. (Approximately 75 minutes)
The Okie Red Dust Review: The Area Wide Garage Sale--Red Dust
is having its area wide garage sale, and everyone is trying to sell their junk. Skits include:
Advice for Guys and Gals, Advice from the Red Dust Tourism Board, Phrase of the Day, A City Council Vote, and much, much more.
Original music by Martin Turney. Approx. 70 minutes.
The Okie Red Dust X-Mas Review: X-Mas Lights in Red Dust!--Red
Dust decides to put Christmas lights in the park to bring in out-of-towners to raise revenue for the town. As usual,
chaos erupts on the scene! Join Carl Perkins, Buck and Henry, Ronnie Haslow, the City Council, and others as the Christmas
festivities are celebrated--Red Dust style! 70 minutes
The Okie Red Dust Review: Greatest Bits II--Our second compilation CD of the greatest bits, skits, and funnies from
Red Dust! The CD includes: Advice for Guys and Gals, Politics in a Nutshell, poems by Zane Dobson, funny ads,
Tweet Go the Birdies, and much, much more! 80 minutes
The Okie Red Dust Review: The Movie Star--The town of
Red Dust is in chaos as Hollywood has come to film their newest Ren Ajack adventure: The Arm of the Law is Long.
What happens when Ren is on the run from one of the locals? Tune in and find out. Zane's poem of the day, Discuss
the Issues, Advice for the Guys and Gals, Leota Wilburn, and a great novelty song, "Pork Sausage," are all part of the fun.
So hop on board with the Red Dust crew as they face another fine day in their great town! Approximately 75 minutes.
The Okie Red Dust Review: The Car Auction. The radio station in Red Dust is hosting a car auction to raise
money for the cemetery upkeep, but you must have a bidder # to bid! The show also features songs by Badger 9-1-1's very
own Marty Billins w/ "Her Ham Ain't Honey-Glazed Anymore" and "I Fell in Love When I Stepped in a Puddle of You." Great
fun had by all. 65 minutes.
The Okie Red Dust Review: The Centennial. Recorded in 2007 to commemorate Oklahoma's 100th birthday celebration.
Bits include Oklahoma trivia, Zane's poem, fun songs, and much more! Approximately 70 minutes.
The Okie Red Dust Review: Greatest Bits III. This CD compilation covers the past 5 years of ORDR shows.
Poetry by Zane, Sports, novelty songs, Your Car is Your Friend, Officer Stucks, The Rusty Fork, Weather, and a score of other
skits are on this collection.
The Okie Red Dust Review: FFA Days. This show was recorded in Bristow,OK and was done as part of FFA Week,
so FFA jokes abound! Skits include: Buck and Henry, 480 Hours, Poetry by Zane, Tweet Go the Birdies, and so much
more. Approximatley 80 minutes.
Dark Sanctuary shows:
Dark Sanctuary: The Silver Circle This play was the first "studio show" the ARP performed. The show is a "hats off"
to such shows as "Suspense" and "Inner Sanctum". The show chronicles the events surrounding the activities of a werewolf in
a small town in Oklahoma. (Approximately 30 minutes)
Sanctuary: The Vampire's Lair This play is an original script by Bret Jones with music by Rudy Lipinski. This is the second
episode in the Dark Sanctuary trilogy. It is a tale of a group of young college students who venture into a strange house
owned by a vampire. This is another studio show with high quality sound and effects. (Approximately 40 minutes)
Other shows:
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow This was the first ARP show. It was performed live in October 1999 at the Ada Community
Theater. The show is an adaptation of the famous story by Washington Irving, commonly referred to as "The Headless Horseman"
story. The show brings back to life the "golden age" of radio with sound effects, music, and the actors' voices. (Approximately
45 minutes)
Santa Claus P.I. This play is another studio show
that was recorded in December 2000. This show is an original by Bret Jones with music by Rudy Lipinski. The story contemplates
the question: What if Santa Claus were arrested for murder one on Christmas Eve? Santa must break out of jail, investigate
the murder, find the guilty party, and still finish his Christmas Eve ride. (One hour)